Excel Saga


Excel Saga is a manga series written and illustrated by Kōshi Rikudō. This manga was serialized in Young King OURs from 1996 to 2011. The story follows the attempts of Across, a secret ideological organization, to conquer the city of Fukuoka and eventually the world. The main character, Excel, is a key member of the group who is working towards completing this goal. The manga was adapted into an anime television series directed by Shinichi Watanabe. The series premiered in 1999 and was taglined Quack Experimental Animation. The series has enjoyed critical success and respectable sales. It features a mix of comedy, parody, and slapstick humor. The anime adaptation introduces some original characters and makes use of parody and in-jokes. The series has been licensed for release in North America and other markets. It has received positive reviews for its humor and technical aspects. The manga and anime are praised for their visuals and comedic storytelling. The English edition of the manga is considered a masterpiece of translation. Excel Saga has also been well received for its music, with several albums released featuring music from the anime.