Descendants of Darkness


Descendants of Darkness is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoko Matsushita. It revolves around shinigami, who are Guardians of Death that work for Enma Daiō, the king of the dead, sorting out the expected and unexpected arrivals to the Underworld. The story follows Asato Tsuzuki, a 'Guardian of Death' for over 70 years, who has the power to call upon twelve shikigami, mythical creatures that aid him in battle. He is the senior partner of the Second Division, which watches over the region of Kyūshū. The series also introduces the Ministry of Hades and the Summon Section of the Judgement Bureau, which guide lost souls. In the anime adaptation, the story begins with a case known as 'The Vampire Case,' where victims in Nagasaki have bite marks and a shortage of blood. Tsuzuki encounters a strange white-haired woman, leading him to a church where he meets the primary antagonist, Muraki. Tsuzuki's new partner, Hisoka Kurosaki, gets kidnapped by Muraki, revealing the truth about his death. The series focuses on character development and relationships. The manga was serialized in Hakusensha's Hana to Yume magazine and collected in 12 volumes. The anime adaptation aired from October 2000 to June 2001. Descendants of Darkness has been praised for its humor and has been recognized as a gateway to shōnen-ai and yaoi. The series has gained popularity and sold well in the English-language market.