Crying Freeman


Crying Freeman is a Japanese manga series written by Kazuo Koike and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. The story follows a Japanese assassin who is hypnotized and trained by the Chinese mafia to serve as its agent. He is covered in a dragon tattoo and sheds tears after every killing as a sign of regret. The manga was originally serialized from 1986 to 1988 and has been adapted into an anime OVA and three live-action films. The protagonist, Yō Hinomura, becomes the 108 Dragons' principal assassin and is given the codename 'Crying Freeman.' He meets Emu Hino, a Japanese artist, and they fall in love. The story explores their relationship, challenges to the leadership of the 108 Dragons, and attempts to destroy the organization from other underground organizations. The manga was published in nine volumes and the anime OVA was released from 1988 to 1994.