Blue Spring


Blue Spring is a 2001 Japanese youth drama film based on Taiyō Matsumoto's manga of the same title. The film tells the story of a group of apathetic school students at a run-down Tokyo high school for boys. The students, including Kujo, Aoki, Yukio, Yoshimura, and Ota, are lost in apathy and dissatisfaction, with limited options for their future. They are part of the school's illegal society, controlled through a rooftop game called the Clapping Game. Kujo becomes the leader of the society, but his best friend, Aoki, is disappointed to realize that Kujo never wanted to be the leader. As their friendship deteriorates, the school faces a series of mini violent climaxes. The film's original soundtrack and the track 'Drop' received positive reception. The DVD release includes interviews with the director, biographies of the actors, and a feature-length commentary.