Alice 19th


Alice 19th is a Japanese shōjo manga written by Yuu Watase. The story follows Alice Seno, a fifteen-year-old girl forever in the shadow of her older sister Mayura. Alice becomes known as 'Mayura's little sister' and is tormented by older girls at school. She harbors a deep affection for Kyou Wakamiya, a handsome senpai and member of the school archery team. One day, Alice rescues a white rabbit named Nyozeka and receives a bracelet with a single red stone from the rabbit. Nyozeka reveals her true form to Alice and tells her she is destined to become a Lotis Master. Alice accidentally makes her sister disappear during a dispute over Kyou and must use the power of the Lotis Words to bring her back. She is joined by Kyou and another Lotis master named Frey. Together, they must become the legendary Neo-Masters to discover the lost word binding both Maram and Lotis.